*NEW* Education Program For Permanent Jewelry Business Owners

Are you asking yourself: How can I make more money at my events so that I don't have to constantly search for places to pop up? Is it time to open a brick-and-mortar store? What is the best way for me to hire, train, and trust someone with my business? If you answered yes, you are in the right place! A brand new kind of education is here for established permanent jewelry business owners.

The permanent jewelry business mastermind will provide invaluable resources for entrepreneurs looking to grow their jewelry business. Running a successful jewelry business requires more than a passion for creating beautiful pieces. It requires a solid foundation, strategic marketing strategies to navigate the competitive market and growing your business for long-term success. Additionally, you will receive individual feedback on your social media presence, website, marketing materials, and physical setup.

Besides investing in education, the Mastermind provides members with access to a community of fellow permanent jewelry business owners. This program allows you to connect with business owners in the same position as you. This group atmosphere also allows you to grow together and collaborate in a positive and proactive way. During this 6-week mastermind, students will gain valuable insight into growing their permanent jewelry business through weekly 1-hour chats. Along with ongoing support from instructor, Sarah Brithinee, who prides herself on helping fellow business owners operate & maintain their business.

Let's learn more about your instructor! Sarah Brithinee is an experienced permanent jewelry business owner who will provide personalized guidance and advice to help students reach their goals. She has been where you are today. When she started her jewelry business, Essbe, in 2017, she did it all on her own & made big mistakes along the way. In 2022, she decided to create the Essbe Permanent Jewelry Class to help other inspiring business owners not make the same mistakes she did. Soon after that she started Essbe's sister company, Essbe Jewelry Supply, which is a wholesale jewelry supply company. Next came her first jewelry storefront in Royal Oak, Michigan and now she is preparing to open her 2nd permanent jewelry location in Rochester, Michigan. As an established jewelry owner, she wants to give back to other jewelry entrepreneurs who are trying to navigate the process of growth & streamlining their businesses. As a business owner for over ten years, she shares all the tricks and tips she has learned along the way. With her valuable advice, she hopes to help many jewelry entrepreneurs succeed.

What holds you back from growing your business? Now is the time to invest in yourself and your business to achieve your dreams. You have an exciting, new resource available to you; don't be shy about asking for help. As well as getting hands-on business help, you'll be able to surround yourself with people who can help you reach your goals. Take advantage of the permanent jewelry business mastermind by applying now!


October/November session application closes on October 4th at MIDNIGHT.